Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blarg and Further Noises of Pain and Frustration

Currently I'm surrounded by the better part of our furry family, probably due to the fact that I turned that fan on right when I got home and now the library is the coolest room in the house. Except the cat might be cold blooded because it's about seventy in the house right now and he's lying in a sun beam.

So what has Caitlin been up to while not blogging on her blogspot?
-Blogging on mahSpace (yeah I know I'm going to Hell)
-Not sleeping
-Feeling a little ill
-Drawing and painting a LOT which is lovely and nice
-Talking to Emily on IM
-Reading far too many webcomics.

Also waiting for a letter from the Savannah College of Art and Design telling me whether or not I need to buy a plane ticket for Georgia. And I'm not nervous! Most assuredly NOT nervous. Really honest and truly not nervous. I mean it's not like I fucked up and only applied to one school and have no idea where I'm gonna end up if I can't go.

Not worried at all.

I got an account on smackjeeves and webcomicsnation too and will hopefully be posting fairly regularly on there by the end of the month. Still working out a few kinks (like how smackjeeves signs you out every time your IP adress changes and I have dial up). I'll post the links once everything's up and running.

Right now I need tea.

Monday, April 2, 2007

When you think about it, L.A. is a long ways away from the ol' homestead.

Actually a better chunk of the world in general is a good ways away from the ol' homestead. I don't even know why I've been thinking about L.A. or even California. None of my future plans even come anywhere near the same area code... But I get that itch every now and then to get off my ass and go DO something. And L.A. seems like a good place to DO. California in general seems like that. I have no real plans, post-graduation, nothing I can back up with cash.

I've been suffering some insane amount of irritation, for no particular reason at all. I've just been a little snappish with my folks. Of course they rise up to the challenge and snap right back at me and then we go eat dinner. What part of the Northern European heritage brought THIS little anomily on?

The interweb isn't holding my interest today and there's still a good half hour or so until school gets out. I think it's time to harrass my good friend Emily with a phone call.

Friday, March 23, 2007

And now I'm in school....

Rejoice and be glad! For Spring Break starts tomorrow! Thank God, I need some quality sleep time. For the past week I've been just flat out exhausted. Probably something to do with the changing schedules and all that jazz.
Classes I have:
Art 2- drawing and painting and just in time for portflio deadlines!
US History B- a lesson in why it's a good idea to take Junior classes when you're a Junior
Yearbook- Because it has photoshop. I like abusing photoshop. End of story.
A T.A. spot for Mr. T- cuz I've never been one before and T is awesome.

As the title implies, yeah, I'm in school right now. I've got an open fifth again. Not really a big deal compared to Emily who has A class third period. I figure her retribution will be me calling her up every day until I get my hands on my driver's license and bugging her to come hang out with me.

BUT she's still on vacation with HER family and won't be accesible til well after vacation. Damn it.

In the mean time, I've been killing time on various fourms and blogspots. A grand waste of time as any, I assure you. It's supplemented today especially with Ryan sitting at the computer next to me talking to either himself or me about the catapult he has to build for Physics. Hopefully he's talking to himself. Besides the fact that I'm not really paying attention, I don't really have any clue what he's talking about.

Far more interesting stuff to come. I have stories about our trip to Portland and another blog relating to that depressing ass poem I posted. Yay failed romantic attempts!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So Very Easy...(a fairly sad poem-em-an-em)

It’s easy to stop loving you
I’ve got it all down to an art and I count it out, step by step
Until I don’t love you anymore.

Step One: I forget the time you smiled at me.
Step Two: I forget how the way you moved entranced me.
Step Three: I forget that voice of yours.
Step Four: I forget the shows, the crowds, the time you saved my life.
Step Five: I let my heart break one last time for all the Could-have-beens and Should-have-beens and how I never really tried to tell you.
Step Six: I feel the fear one last time of not understanding what I was feeling and not knowing why I trusted you so completely without knowing you.
Step Seven: I pray that you and her will always be happy together.
Step Eight: I get out the staples to fix my ripped up heart.
Step Nine: I cry a little because it feels nice.
Step Ten: I lie to my friends and say that I don't care.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cue the "Jaws" theme music...

Nothing better to do today then bum around on the interweb.

Well, that's not entierly true, but it is distracting me from what would certainly be a potential disaster and a half. Probably.....Maybe.

Chores to do still and, having walked into the kitchen mere seconds ago, a floor to clean. That little idiot of a brother and his friends tracked mud all over the kitchen. Not even gonna start explaining my irrational dislike for the little so-an'-so that appears to be a shared sentiment on his part. Sibling rivalry, wotcan ya do?

Gonna be gone Friday through Sunday on a trip to Portland to the doctors and then the zoo. See y'all when I get back.

-off to chores. XP

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Oh Thank Heaven!

It's finally over! The term, that is. We're still three months away from the ultimate countdown to graduation. This particular term has been......well, I'm just relieved that it's over. I haven't taken my Geometery final yet (it's 2nd period right now), but I already have the sinking suspicion that I'm going to fail that one.

FINE! I don't care! Seriously, I've taken math all four years of high school and how far have I gotten? From Pre-Algbra to Geometery A. You think I would have figured this all out by now, but no, I have to be stubborn! I have to try to be a responsible person (relatively) and do the right thing! Bullocks to that! I just don't give a damn anymore. Just give me the friggin' D and let me live in peace and ignorance.

Anyway, that's not even the biggest issue I have right now as far as school goes, but it's the most pressing, so I won't be able to completely relax until late tonight at the soonest.

Moving on... Had a wildly disappointing moment last night. Fabulous news: Jefree Star came out with his EP on i-Tunes! Horrid news: My internet (dial-up) is too slow to handle downloading songs from i-Tunes.

Heave a big sigh. But I'll figure out a way to get it! This I swear!

Monday, March 12, 2007


Basically how I feel right now.... Chatting with my friend Emily and bitching about all the pain I'm in. She always tells me the same thing over and over: "Go to bed!" To which I usually resopnd: "I don' waaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaa!" And I hate taking pain pills. They always make me feel so floaty and shit. No! Must. Focus!
Speaking of focusing, if you've been to Blaqk Audio's mahSpace page recently, they have a counter up. Don't really know what it's for, but the constantly changing numbers are hypnotic. Everybody's been saying the counter is a count down to when Jade and Davey finally post some songs on there. or maybe it's just counting down the number of hours until the untimely death of Herbert the Magical Hampster who has recenently taken ill.
Right, the pills just kicked in so I should prolly stop know before God-knows-what pops up on the screen.