Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Adventures of Skully the Ring

I have survived! First term, anyway. To quote a very hagard looking friend of mine, "Next term is gonna be nuts." Bring it on!

But that is not why I have come to this, my most humblest of blogspots. For I have found myself the quite unexpected owner of a black thumb ring that is adorned with little white skulls. He (for I do believe it to be a "he") has been dubbed Skully the Ring and now sits upon my left ring finger. He really is much too small for the middle and too large for the pinky and thumb. I'd hate to lose him. He's quite the little dandy and I have already grown very fond of him.

The Origins of Skully are simple enough. I had finished my math final in Algebra C and was elated to find that I had scored my first ever 100% (on a math test, anyway), there by raising my grade all the way up to a 72% C. After collapsing back into my seat and turning on my CD palyer, I glanced over at the row of desks next to me. A mettalicy black something caught my eye from the ugly orange carpet. And low and behold, there was Skully!

Very simple and straight foreward I know, but quite the treat.

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