Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This is how I role!

Yeah, I totally suck at updating this. If it makes you feel any better, I also have plenty of work that I'm not doing at the moment and two long scratches just above my knee that stand as a perfect example as to why one does not rough house with a 70 plus pound dog in shorts.

Also my head is killing me.

Moving on.

Overall, I have recently been feeling like a failure as a human being in gerneral, which only stands to promote the recent bout of surliness I've been coping with.....though maybe coping is the wrong word for this particular situation. Not that I've been picking fights with anyone, especailly not my friends, HEAVENS NO!!!


Yeah, all right, that's a load of bull. BUT the important thing is that I HAVEN'T been picking fights that could go very very very very badly very very very quickly. It's one thing to pick a fight with your close friends, it's quite another to pick a fight with someone you've been itching to knock down a few pegs....or flights of stairs. Same principle.

On a more positive note, I'm turning 18 on Sunday. The festivities for this momentous weekend include the following:

Sleeping late on Saturday.
Boob tube.
Dance Dance Revolution.
Church on Sunday.
Lots of naps.
Cake and presents after dinner with the family.
Going to bed late.
Sleeping as late as I can possibly get away with the following Monday.

Gotta love three day weekends.

Cioa kids.

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