Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Adventures of a Teenaged Something-or-Other

As it turns out, my previous bad mood was due to a very small, but icky case of the stomach flu. However, armed with a green tea that is not only chocked full of antioxidants, but also honey, lemon and ginseng, I shall surely recover.

Just in time for second term! (Please hold your applause.) And this time around, I have a full schedule, so be expecting less frequent posting.....all four of you... It's a more or less normal schedule. Goverment, Yearbook, P.E., Writing 121 and Geometry. The last was an accomplishment nothing short of sheer force of will. I am nothing short of horrid when it comes to any maths. Wether I'll be able to pass this particular subject remains to be seen.

One conflict that may occur is my Elementary school thing conflicting with Maths. You see, every Wednesday at around1:50, I hop my merry little bum over to the Elementary school to help out in a program that is known as Artist In Residence. Basically I set up, help kids, help clean up, that sort of thing. It's actually a lot of fun AND it's part of my job shadow/careers requirments. But now that I have Maths at the same time...... Who knows what will be happening with that.

Writing 121 will be, by far, the most interesting. I enjoy most types of writing, particularly fiction (blogging is actually a close second), and, as one of my classmates bemoaned, we apparently will be doing a lot of that.

That particular calssmate is also a friend of mine. He and I got in a sort of argument over the benifits of fiction. He dislikes it almost to the point of hate. I, on the other hand, am only one small step away from becoming a closet D&D girl. What we were discussing was mostly literature fiction, though. I expect he has equal distaste for murder mysteries, sci-fi and fantasy as well. This same classmate has also been bemoaning his recent misadventures in the World of Women via his blog on mySpace. So, what's the first thing that pops into my head upon parting ways with my friend for the day?

'Saaaay, wasn't that Gaiman story "How to Talk to Girls at Parties" in my new Scifi and Fantasy magazine?'

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