Monday, March 12, 2007


Basically how I feel right now.... Chatting with my friend Emily and bitching about all the pain I'm in. She always tells me the same thing over and over: "Go to bed!" To which I usually resopnd: "I don' waaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaa!" And I hate taking pain pills. They always make me feel so floaty and shit. No! Must. Focus!
Speaking of focusing, if you've been to Blaqk Audio's mahSpace page recently, they have a counter up. Don't really know what it's for, but the constantly changing numbers are hypnotic. Everybody's been saying the counter is a count down to when Jade and Davey finally post some songs on there. or maybe it's just counting down the number of hours until the untimely death of Herbert the Magical Hampster who has recenently taken ill.
Right, the pills just kicked in so I should prolly stop know before God-knows-what pops up on the screen.

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