Saturday, March 10, 2007

Put the coffee on, darling, I don't wanna sleep tonight

Say good night, kids, 'cuase this is prolly the last you'll see of me for the rest of the weekend! That's right, I've put it off for as long as I could and now I'll be pulling several late nights to get a lot of different things done that have absolutely nothing to do with either drawing, sketching or frittering my time away mindlessly writing. Very depressing, I know, but it must be done! I've spent my last few days as a worthless degenerate and now I must pay the piper!

Incidentally, I'm 13 minutes out of watching Paris When It Sizzels, a great flick and the first time I've had the chance to watch Audrey Hepburn. Recently it seems like there's been backlashes of all sorts in the alternative and underground cultures. You see younger Hepburn fans springing up all over the place and I figured I might as well see what all the fuss is about.

Really, after watching that, I don't blame them. Granted it was a romantic comedy, so that gives you plenty of room for silliness. And she does it with such class and charm. To all my dear little prima donas and garish glittery bimbettes: Grow up to be like that and ignore the subculture sluts like Paris Hilton.

(Don't mind the following, she's already tired and she needs to get all the excess out so she can work properly tonight.)

Standards, standards, standards! I'm sick of it all! To hell with the standards! To hell with expectations! I'm no lady in the least! Or maybe I am, but I forgot? No, more than likely not. Apparently it's unusual to know what a Kama Sutra is? Well, I am 18, after all, and inordinarily curious. But still that's no excuse for getting offended, especially when you don't bother even at least pretending to listen after bad mouthing one of the things I hold dear to me.

Like I said, to hell with the standards! Nobody should have to follow those kinds of standards.

Also I really really really wish Jade and Davey would at least post maybe like ten seconds of Blaqk Audio? Possibly?

Anyway, I hope the rest of you are at least going to get a few hours of sleep tonight.

1 comment:

The nerd from under the bed said...

They are posting music in two days well thats what im asuming that blasted mystery countdown is for!